The Thinkergirls Pod Channel

EP 106: Michala Banas On How To Speak Up When A Dude Says Something Inappropriate At Work



On EP 106: of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia chat with another badass celeb; Michala Banas and get her to help out TG Posse Member Bec, who wants to know “where do you draw the line 2:56 - Bec’s question for Mikayla - when do you draw the line where dude’s say inappropriate stuff? 4:04 - In short - yes. But it’s a matter of HOW 4:47 - Pulling someone aside instead of shaming them in front of other people could be a really good start 5:18 - Good people do and say the wrong thing sometimes 5:50 - It’s not a matter of whether you should, but a matter of HOW 6:09 - Approaching it as a broader issue - tackling it from a company perspective 7:31 - It’s not all on you as an individual. It’s companies responsibility to sort these things out from the top now 10:55 - What you might find offensive, doesn’t mean that the next person will too. How you feel counts thoug