The Thinkergirls Pod Channel

EP 118: Shirleene Robinson on Australia's history with LGBTQ rights in the military



On EP 118: of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia sit down with another amazing guest... Shirleene Robinson; co-author of Serving in Silence?: Australian LGBT servicemen and women and board director of the Australian Marriage Equality Campaign.6:18 - How does a co-writing process work, and how did Shirleene create this book?9:10 - Where has Shirleene’s interest in LGBTQ history come from?11:02 – Has there been a change in support for marriage equality since it was legalised?14:33 - What was the LGBTQ subculture like in the Australian Defence Force before the ban was lifted?21:09 - Was the sexism and homophobia in the defence force coming more from their superiors or their colleagues?23:01 - How were LGBTQ people in the defence force “outed”?25:02 - Why was the law stopping LGBTQ people from serving even a thing? Logically it makes no sense.27:02 - What surprised Shirleene the most as she collated sto