Tuesday Night Jaw

TNJ Meets Flash Morgan Webster



WHEN WRESTLING PODCASTS COLLIDE! This week Jim has a chat with the wonderful Flash Morgan Webster about wrestling (of course), music, backyarding, mod culture, fashion and with his excellent documentary "The Road Back To Malice" being released for free this Wednesday, returning from a long injury layoff. Flash isn't just one of the best wrestlers in the country, he's one of the nicest chaps you'll ever meet and full of great stories and excellent opinions on wrestling and beyond. Make sure you follow him on Twitter (@Flash_Morgan) to be kept in the loop about his documentary and his brilliant Wrestling Friends podcast. Want to help us out? Brilliant! Subscribe to this podcast, rate it and give it five stars, tell people about it by sending them to www.jimsmallman.com/tnj. Follow @jimsmallman on Twitter and use #TuesdayNightJaw whenever you want to talk wrestling. And don't forget to support every podcast on the Distraction Pieces Network, which we are SUPER proud to be part of.  See acast.com/priv