Truth Tribe Radio

Let's Talk Archetypes: The Seeker Archetype



Your search for authentic power and connection to your spirit begins with the Seeker Archetype. We’ll go through the three stages of consciousness  -- See the Water, Touch the Water, and Become the Water. This week I’ll identify the first level of awareness and discuss ways to move beyond the external power of your life. Where are you investing your spirit and personal power? Life is always working to rebalance your soul’s energy. It is the nature of the soul to expand and exercise until it fulfills its growth and moves back to its natural state of power. Soul’s evolution is suited to your personality and the personal lessons you’re chosen to learn in this lifetime. Your relationship to your soul’s power and purpose is affected by your work, how you live your life, your relationships with other people as well as your relationship to your personal god, goddess, or god-spirit. Tune in on February 13 to discuss this topic and more! Plus, each episode will feature an opportunity for free readings during the la