Truth Tribe Radio

Your Pleasure: Sexual Desire



What best describes your sexual attitude and appetite? Are you hungry often or, when it comes to sex, could you live on a starvation diet?  When you partake, do you find yourself hungry again the next day?  According to Socrates, one of the greatest Philosophers the world has ever known, there are three basic sexual appetites that women have:  Wife, The Barterer and Heterae.  Which one are you?  Tonight’s hot topic is on these controversial descriptions of women’s sexual desire.  Not all women are the same in their appetites or appreciation of sexual pleasure.  Listen in to hear what history had to say about it, how it affects our lives today, and how, through understanding of our own personal influences, you can make the best choices to satisfy your sexual desire. Don't forget to call in with your questions! 1-877-296-0345 Visit the official show page: