Truth Tribe Radio

Living Astrology: Debut Episode!



The debut episode of Living Astrology will cover Saturn's transit through Scorpio and how that is triggering all of us to be looking at our "Core issues".  Kornelia Dengel will be Janet's first guest. Kornelia is a Source Guided Transformational Core Empowerment Coach, specializing in emotional Processing and Mastery in Emotional Freedom. She is a Higher Consciousness Facilitator in the new paradigm of conscious co-creation, a Self-Love Activist, International  Speaker and Internet radio host. She is also a certified Passion Test Coach and Law of Attraction Coach and Facilitator. She coaches clients worldwide that are willing to experience huge transformational changes and living up to their full creative potential, and her work includes group coaching and teaching classes on line. You can find Kornelia Empowering people on her weekly online Radio show  called, “Expressing YOU.” Her newest work at the Global Ascension Center is an embodiment of her passion as a “New Paradigm Visionary”, “A Response-able Co