Truth Tribe Radio

Positive Living Vibrations: Unravel Your Dreams



Dreams are messages from the divine let us unravel them…. How do we unravel what Dreams mean and how do we be guided by them? Tuesday February 19 5 pm PT 8 PM ET with Vibeke Carlsen will unravel our dreams and embrace the guidance of them. What do your dreams mean and how do they affect your life? We will discover what your night and day dreams mean and how you can hear what the universe is telling you. Do you dream of being naked or flying or maybe you’re a house with closed doors? you may have nightmares but do not be afraid for they too are just messages to heal your life. Do you know how to decipher a dream or do you ignore them? Tune is and will look to the important messages that the universe is trying to tell us. Vibeke Carlsen has been doing dream interpretation for the last 25-30 years. When she was a teen, she came across some dream materials belonging to her grandmother. At first she found the symbolic rather strange and illogical but decided to try it out on her own dreams anyway. These Interpr