Truth Tribe Radio

Your Pleasure: Sexual Astrology with Astrologer Janet Hickox



This week's guest is Astrologer Janet Hickox to discuss the topic of Sexual Astrology. A former metaphysical bookstore owner, Janet has been interested in all things spiritual including astrology, numerology, Mayan astrology, the MayanCalendar and A Course in Miracles for the past 20 years. She studied Biology and Chemistry at Western Washington University and has career experience in Sales and Sales Management. This unique background has helped her blend the world of the left brain and that of the right creating an appreciation for the esoteric and the physical world. According to Janet, “My destiny is to raise the vibration of the planet by helping people connect to their destiny and life purpose – my tools are Astrology in its various forms and Numerology.” Janet's specialty is the “Destiny Profile” which acts as a road map to the soul's desire, its shadow and wounding, and the gifts and talents incarnated with, which enables someone to connect fully with their destiny and life path.    As 2-Manik