Truth Tribe Radio

Living Astrology: Soul Talk Technique with Cleo Bouffiou



This week on Living-Astrology, we will be discussing Soul Talk Technique with Cleo Bouffiou. The Soul Talk Technique is a three step process that leads you through your life from birth to the present moment. The process is very carefully guided by Cleo to move you through many life experiences that can still be hanging on energetically, which can affect your current frequency. By traveling back through your life experiences through the eyes and heart of your Soul, you can remove the blocks that are stopping you from using your full potential. Why do this process? As we progress in the evolution of our consciousness, we want to clear what has held us back and what lowers our frequency. By going through your life path, you have the opportunity to see what came in with you from former lives that is playing out in this one, and who the players are, seeing it all from the higher awareness of the Soul. From this perspective you can cut the cords of pain, struggle and lack of self worth. Once you have gone through