Today's Teenager

060: Helping Depressed Teens



In this episode of Today's Teenager, Roy offers four tips that adults can employ in helping depressed teens. The first tip that Roy suggests is understanding that teenage depression is real and to validate that for teens. The second tip Roy recommends is that adults be patient with the seemingly contradictory emotions of teens, which can sometimes cause an adult to believe a young person is not really depressed.  Roy believes that perhaps the most important tip to helping depressed teens is to offer non - reactive and non - judgmental listening. Roy stresses that this kind of attentive, empathetic listening is crucial to helping a teen to feel that they aren't suffering alone and that their experiences are not at all unusual or abnormal. Finally, Roy recommends that adults get a depressed teen counseling from a reliable and professional source like private counselors, school counselors, pastoral counselors or ministers, social workers, psychologists, or pediatricians.  Click here to listen to previous episo