Today's Teenager

061: Youth On The Margins



In this episode, Roy addresses the problem of youth who, for various reasons, continue to struggle with mental health issues without receiving acknowledgement or adequate care.  Roy shares the alarming statistic that the second leading cause of death among adolescents today is suicide, a result of an epidemic of depression and anxiety.  Roy believes that much of this anxiety results from the experience of being disconnected amidst unprecedented access to technology that promises to keep us more connected. Roy believes that religious institutions have a unique opportunity to reach youth who will not access or don’t have access to mental health services by advancing the training of both clerical and lay staff in the skills of pastoral care with specific awareness of at - risk youth.  Roy feels that providing the same level of training in pastoral care that exists in matters of finance, theology, and catechesis will allow religious institutions to meet the changing needs of the people in their care, especially