Today's Teenager

078: Helping Teens Regulate Emotions



As Roy explains in this episode, more and more teens are having difficulty regulating their emotions. Being “emotional” and having a roller coaster of feelings is a normal part of being a teenager. Yet many teens experience this intensity at unhealthy levels and for extended lengths of time. Roy explores how teen's inability to “cap”, regulate or de-escalate their feelings puts them at risk for more serious emotional problems such as anxiety and depression. Roy offers strategies aimed at helping teens to better manage their emotional lives, including talking with teens when they are calm instead of during the heat of the moment, helping teens to differentiate between feelings and reality, and teaching teens self-soothing skills. These methods can help adults who work with teens guide young people through the tumultuous emotional journey that all teens experience and provide a basis for healthy emotional regulation throughout their lives.  Roy has established Today's Teenager as a non-profit organization dedic