Holistic Mental Health And Healing

Depression a Holistic View



Today Dr Tyler Woods looks at depression, which encompasses a broad range of experiences from normal passive sadness, known as the blues, to a recurrent debilitating illness known as major depressive disorder. Depression is by far the most common psychiatric disorder as well as the most treatable. Dr. Tyler Woods focuses on different types of treatments for depression. She talks about several ways to treat depression. The allopathic way, a holistic way and the use of both creating an integrative approach. She talks about depression being an ongoing journey of discovery. It is making lifestyle changes, like getting plenty of rest, sleep, the correct foods, exercise and helping a person find their own strengths and use them to encourage and empower them to create a healthy and whole way of life. Depression as Biochemical Imbalance Peter Breggin The Depressing News About Antidepressants Omega Fatty Three Connection DLPA Tyler Woods Facebook Holistic Mental Health Music: Living Voyage, Kevin MacLeod (incompetec