Holistic Mental Health And Healing

Understanding Loneliness



Dr Tyler Woods explores loneliness. She talks about how it is actually a state of mind and can cause physical and mental damage to people including depression, stress, high blood pressure, immune system disorders, and a host of other disorders. She talks about how social networking has aided in loneliness. She explores ways people can work through their feelings of being alone and offers many suggestions that may help people empower themselves and discover how people should not look at themselves as being lonely rather they need to become the person who is conquering loneliness You can purchase Tyler's Nature Health And Wellness System at http://natural-health-and-wellness.com Natural Health And Wellness by Tyler Woods Listen to other episodes of Holistic Mental Health and Healing  and download the companion to this podcast The Three Pillars of Strength at http://septicradio.com/HolisticMentalHealth.php Music: Living Voyage, Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) A production of Septic Radio.