Holistic Mental Health And Healing

HCG Good or Fad Diet? Diet Reviews



Dr Woods talks about what a fad diet is, covers a few of the big fad diets currently and then talks about healthy diets and lifestyle. She emphasizes that there are no miracle cures for weight loss and unfortunately there are no short cuts and a person should never try to lose weight fast rather weight loss should require a "back to the basics" approach. You are what you eat." We all know that a bad diet leads to obesity but did you know it leads to a variety of mental health issues. Low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, A person's food intake affects mood, behavior, and brain function. For people with mental health issues, diet is rarely, if ever, considered an issue in their treatment. It appears we would rather medicate than dedicate our lives to a healthy lifestyle of eating. Transitions Lifestyle Weight Watchers South Beach Diet You can purchase Tyler's Nature Health And Wellness System at http://natural-health-and-wellness.com Natural Health And Wellness by Tyler Woods Listen to other episodes of Holi