Holistic Mental Health And Healing

Labeling People



Today Dr. Tyler Woods examines labels and how labeling people can cause them to lose motivation and feel self defeated. Labeling is nothing more than a systematic form of name-calling and it can lead to hurt, deceit and mistrust. In fact, some people even become what they have been labeled. Today Tyler talks about what you can do to not accept the labels and move on with your life feeling good about you and who you are. Remember that labels are for soup cans not people. You can purchase Tyler's Nature Health And Wellness System at http://natural-health-and-wellness.com www.tylerwoods.org Listen to other episodes of Holistic Mental Health and Healing  and download the companion to this podcast The Three Pillars of Strength at http://septicradio.com/HolisticMentalHealth.php Music: Living Voyage, Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Image via Wikimedia Commons A production of Septic Radio.