Compulsive Overeating Diary

Ep 0012 – Developing Plan ‘Be’ vs. Plan Binge or Plan Bitch



When faced by food temptation do you go right away to plan Binge? Bitch? or Plan "Be"? I hike in front of gathering storm clouds and muse about this new idea. It came to me from a comment typo I made on my friend's blog, and I've been thinking about it ever since. It's also bravery day! I ask all of you to give me a call or a comment and bravely share a bit of your lives. Shout-out to Jodi and Crystal, who have shared a bit already. Thanks for encouraging me! I include all of my main theme, I’m Letting Go, by Josh Woodward from The Simple Life Part 1 at the end of this episode as a bonus.