Podcast Inglês Online

Podcast: Keep your fingers crossed



How's it going? No episódio de hoje eu falo sobre o idiom keep your fingers crossed. Transcrição Hi. How are you? This is Ana, back with a new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Hope all is well. What's the weather like in Brazil? I think it's getting cold in Brazil, isn't it? Today I came across this really, really cool idiom, which is keep your fingers crossed. Keep your fingers crossed. Open your hand and look at your fingers: you have your thumb... Let's say your thumb is the first finger to the left, and then the next two fingers, if you sort of intertwined them... That's your fingers crossed. Cross your fingers and keep your fingers crossed, because... Let's say, tomorrow I have my English exam and I've studied so hard, and I'm hoping (that) I'm going to do really well. Please keep your fingers crossed. I have to get a good grade on my English exam. That's basically what keep your fingers crossed means. It's like a lucky... It's as though if people keep their fingers crossed for you, that is someho