Victorious Life Christian Center - Flagstaff

PT-2 God Wants To Draw Close To Us



God called David ‘a man after His own heart.’ (Acts 13:32) To see God as David did, to have the heart David had; is to have familiarity, closeness marked by warmth, tender association. This is what God wants for us, just like David. Think about your closest relationships. Those with whom you can bare your soul without fear of being judged or rejected. Those who know you best and still like you. This is Gods’ desire. How long has it been, as possibly have you ever been this real and honest with God? God desires this. Still this type of relationship takes intimate commitment, dedication and time on our part to build and nurture; and this becomes our most dear friendship. This is the relationship David had; one that took time to build, and also maintain built on the mountains of hope and the valleys of despair! Join Pastor Tim (ONLINE) as we continue our series on ‘Drawing Closer to God’ and understand that a commitment of heart, builds a committed heart to become all that God has called us to be. 10:00am Sunday