

In this podcast I'll be exploring Movement: I'll explain how movement is one of the most essential nutrients for your body I'll talk about how a lack of movement affects your health Finally, I'll talk about the different types of movement that your body expects and how to increase your consumption of real movement nutrition CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST FOODS TO GET YOU LEAN Movement is life. Life is movement. If you're not moving you're not living. Movement nourishes your body and mind. Your body and mind are actually one and the same. Clinical Professor of Psychiatry Dr Dan Siegel defines the mind as the following: "The mind is an embodied process that regulates the flow of energy and information." Your mind is embodied within your entire being, your whole body, cultivating the many different life processes happening within. From your left pinky toe to your right ear lob. Whenever I refer to your body I'm also referring to your mind and vice versa. So you can think of your body and mind as one en