Lead Through Strengths

Core Concept #6: Gimme That Escalation



Our sixth core concept is a perfect build-on to the “Plus One, Minus One” activity mentioned in our previous episode, Concept #5: “Not an Excuse.”  Plus one, in particular, is about mining your team of the things they want to have more of. Then, as you dig deeper into this challenge, it’s amazing what you’ll discover from each of the team member’s responses.  The Story Behind ‘Gimme That Escalation’  In one of the recent training sessions, a guy came forward and expressed what he has written on his wish list.  “I would love to have more escalation calls.”  This statement set off these confused looks and reactions among others in the room.  “Did he just say that right? ‘I want more escalation calls?”   “What is he talking about?”  These people were shocked that the guy was wanting more escalation calls. So of course, they had to ask him for further explanation. According to the guy, he’s the “deepest subject-matter expert in the whole organization on this matter. He’s quite confident that he can very well hand