Lead Through Strengths

Core Concept #7: Team Strengths Take Time and Intention



Our seventh core concept in this STRENGTHS series, “Takes Time and Intention,” may sound like a lame title compared with our previous topics (“Troublemaker Talents,” “Easy Buttons,” “Gimme That Escalation,” etc.), but as we go along you’ll find that there’s a lot more nuance to it than that. You’ll get a deeper sense of why strengths take time, and hence calls for intention along with consistency.  As in any process or situation, patience is a virtue. Something good always awaits, so stay with us! Let’s break this core concept down to its two components. 1. Strengths Take Time Between the two components, time is generally the easier one to commit to. It may mean a little bit of being patient, but the concept is more about asking: “Now what?”  “How do we keep this going?”  After all the strengths blitz you go through with your team -- for example, going through the motion of reading “StrengthsFinder 2.0,” or preparing a budget for a team offsite and then getting together for some retreat or teambuilding act