Leroy Community Chapel Podcast

Better Than Rest



Passage: Hebrews 4:1-13 We all long for rest, some of us don’t like it, but once we get there it feels so good. Rest from work. Rest from running. Rest from turmoil. Rest from the long day. The rhythm of life, work and rest, is God’s way of creating a longing in our heart for a better rest; spiritual rest. What the writer of Hebrews is going to tell us is that the better rest is not a particular place or time, but a person, Jesus. * How is the rest we experience on a day off, or vacation, or a nap on a sunny Fall day like the rest God is calling us to in Hebrews 4:1? How is it different? * How can your biblical understanding of rest enhance your times of earthly rest? * In what ways does God’s grace and rest intersect?