Brand Boost Podcast: Marketing, Video, Influence, Social Media, Strategy & News

21: How a Social Media Agency Can Help Your Business



This day and age, many, if not most, businesses understand that there is a great power in social media. Unfortunately, those same business owners think it's ok to hire a young kid or someone fresh out of college because they "know how to tweet".  Yikes! Decisions like these, however, can cost you. Building a working relationship with a legitimate digital marketing agency will provide a strategy to generate ROI, not just a spattering of random posts on social media sites. Many feel that because social media is vastly free, why spend money to manage what you can do for nothing? Remember, time and effort are commodities that have no price tag, costing you more in the long run, never mind the countless headaches, large learning curves and oftentimes, failure. Just because I can screw in a light bulb doesn’t mean I’m an electrician. Let’s take a look as to how a digital marketing agency is the right move for your business. EXPERIENCE This is the most obvious one. We have the experience that you don’t. Hashtag, SE