Brand Boost Podcast: Marketing, Video, Influence, Social Media, Strategy & News

162: Platforms That Drive Consumer Decisions



We all know the players: YouTube Facebook Twitter Instagram Snapchat Even though we may know them, do we realize how much the influence our buying decisions? More so, which platforms are driving the most buying decisions? Join Rob Hix and Vincenzo Landino as they discuss this with a live audience. About Rob Hix Lifetime small business owner with a passion for live video production, commercial audiovisual systems, and broadcasting. I’m an employer, employee, executive and janitor all wrapped into one amazing career. Innovation and outside-of-the-box solutions are my “sweet spot”. I live my life in my own self-interest, to the benefit of my employees and clients. I work best with those who place a premium on their lives and exchange value-for-value to achieve their goals. Enlightened Audiovisual is a comprehensive A/V design, installation and live video production firm serving the commercial and federal markets. We are a partner-based company that provides embedded expertise in the field of video co