

When Kathy Klotz-Guest approached me about doing a co-created piece of content, I wasn’t sure what to think. A co-written piece of content, like a blog? I know it’s been done before, but wasn’t sure what we’d have in common enough to get two trains of thought down into one post. Of course, you must try everything at least once in life, so I decided to roll with this. Besides, how painful could it be? Kathy is a rockstar, hilarious and super smart. Plus, she just wrote a book, so I knew she could help with the whole writing thing. Oh yea, go get her book here. The Setup Kathy Klotz-Guest and I chatted a few weeks back on the Brand Boost Podcast. In fact, that episode is so good, here it is for you to listen to: We chatted about improv and marketing, Happy Days, how “human” – yes, still an important word – has also ironically jumped the marketing shark in many ways, and why all marketers should think like improvisers whose central tenet is “yes and.” That is how improvisers build scenes together. This means yo