Victorious Life Christian Center - Flagstaff

Pt4 Provision Is His Part



Matthew 6:25-36 says; 'Do not worry about your life... you cannot change your life by worrying... he takes care of the sparrow, he will take care of us... seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and He will take care of everything else.' If we do our part, which is obedience; God said He will do His part, which is provide. I’ve said for years, ‘There are more victories won by choice than there are by chance’. And, no one has ever yet fell to the top of a mountain, he or she must do something! Today, as on that day, heaven will be filled with people who made a decision to be there. And with that decision they believed God’s Word, accepted God’s provision and they received the promises God promised. How was this done? They made a choice to come over to Christ with their whole life therefore they were able to overcome the world.