Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



So what\'s the next step? If you are new to considering a beneficial, natural approach to immune system support, determining your current level of nutritional deficiency may be in order. At-home testing kits for magnesium, vitamin D, and thyroid, essential fatty acids as well as an elements panel that reveals your zinc levels are available through Dr. Dean\\\'s website. You can also speak to your family physician about getting this testing done through your local lab. Unless you\'ve made a specific effort to include daily supplementation in your current health regime you are more than likely to be magnesium or mineral deficient as well as vitamin D deficient. Over 80% of American\'s are magnesium deficient and 42% reported to be Vitamin D deficient. Embarking on a daily supplementation plan is exciting and will offer you incremental improvement in every area of your life including immune support. On tonight\'s radio show we\'ll talk about balancing all these nutrients and building a protocol that works for