Matt Hibbert

Matt Hibbert Project Live at Baa Bar Fleet St Vol 6 (Summer Party)



Here it is, episode 6 of the 'The Matt Hibbert Project LIVE! has landed, and it's the belter 'Summer Party' special from a few weeks ago, THE best Matt Hibbert Project ever! (Again!) I don't mean literally landed as in landed like a plane, I just mean it's like, online, you know, to listen too... It's a monthly/bi monthly/whenever I feel like it podcast featuring a mix from myself recorded live at @baabarfleetst alongside some utter nonsense from myself and the staff. We're the biggest, best, and most downright fun Thursday night in the city, 52 WEEKS A YEAR, and we are FREE, yup, that's right, FREE FUCKING ENTRY every week. Expect the weekly 'Clubland UV rave', 100's of glowsticks, CO2 guns, confetti cannons, ridiculous lighting rig, cheap bevys, competitions, FREE CAPRI SUNS (They cost me 2 to 3 quid) and general tomfoolery. Examples of said cheap bevys available: Double Vodka Mixer £2.50 (£3.50 with Red Bull) Bottles £2 Jagerbombs £2 Me upstairs doing what i do, and the best mash up RnB/Hip Hop in t