Fall 2011 Shamatha Retreat

29 Compassion focused on blatant suffering



Vast and Profound, it’s the minimum we can say about this afternoon’s session. Alan gave us an exquisite exploration of the mechanics of the practice of Settling the mind in its natural state: how by one step it can heal our minds from mental afflictions developing an equanimity towards all kinds of mental events; this is through cutting their continuity by being aware of them and leading us to shamatha. But not only shamatha, even it can help us for the subsequent practice of Breaking Through. He also gave us a bright presentation of the workings of attachment and anger, especially the latter one putting the Iphone as a good example. How anger is rooted in delusion and how it prevents from imploding into the substrate consciousness. The meditation (50:28) was about compassion, at this time focusing on the most obvious suffering: the suffering of pain. Alan wanted to focus not only onto any kind of suffering of suffering but on the one that we can do something about it here and now: compassion for the menta