Gg2h-angela J. Perry

Season 2: Episode 14: Successfully homeschooling a special needs son and gifted/talented daughter, Tina Ramsay



Season 2: Episode 14 on Podcast - "Successfully homeschooling a special needs son and gifted/talented daughter, Tina Ramsay" on Girlfriends Chat with Angela Jordan Perry (full interview) On all podcast stations.  Season 2: Episode 16  "Ensuring your home is a 'safe haven' for homeschooling, Tina Ramsay"  on YouTube @  Girlfriends Guide to Homeschooling and on Facebook @ Girlfriends Guide to Homeschooling. Teaser convo -     Tina Jacobs Ramsay is the inspiring Mom behind Homeschooling and Oils. An active vlogger, female wellness ambassador, certified life coach, entrepreneur, curriculum developer, and Author are just some of the roles on Tinas' impressive resume. Bringing her wealth of knowledge to each task, Tina is a formidable asset to the revolutionizing of the way children are taught. Her personal experience has expanded her ability to connect with unique learners and to teach parents and teachers how to adapt their programs to make them fun and exciting to learn. Tina o