Logra Tu Dream: Helping Latinos Achieve Their American Dream I Inspiration I Mentorship I Business Coaching

003: How to achieve your tech entrepreneurial dreams with Pablo Fuentes - Logra Tu Dream: Helping Latinos Achieve Their American Dream I Inspiration I Mentorship I Business Coaching



Pablo Fuentes is the co- founder and CEO of Proven a company that offers the best way to find and apply to restaurant jobs in San Francisco. He is passionate about helping minorities and women start technology companies, he has been invited to speak at the White House about Proven and mentoring.  What you’ll learn Pablo’s journey towards pursuing his American dream How you can pursue your tech entrepreneurial dreams in Silicon Valley and elsewhere. How he overcame great adversity having to lay off many employees and to give up his apartment Why physical activity and having an outlet is critical to keep yourself sane and motivated How Pablo got into Stanford Business School The only two skills that Silicon Valley companies look for The difference between the companies that make it and don’t in Silicon Valley What is cross ten and how you should build a minimal viable product to  test your ideas get real feedback from real users  to validate whether you have a good idea or not The mentality that Pab