Logra Tu Dream: Helping Latinos Achieve Their American Dream I Inspiration I Mentorship I Business Coaching

006: (Spanish) Como emprendedores Latinos pueden lograr el exito en Estados Unidos con Mauricio Simbeck - Logra Tu Dream: Helping Latinos Achieve Their American Dream I Inspiration I Mentorship I Business Coaching



Mauricio is a co-founder and CEO of Milagros de Mexico, a retail chain that sells health and wellness products to the Latino Community with five stores located in established Hispanic neighborhoods in San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland and Redwood City. Milagros de Mexico was one of 12 recipients of the prestigious Chase Mission Main St grant awarded to outstanding small business nation wide Before co-founding Milagros de Mexico, Mauricio was the CEO of Farmacia Remedios, a bilingual pharmacy chain with nine stores based in San Francisco that markets to Hispanic consumers. Mauricio’s experience in the retail industry also includes his 6 year tenure at H.E.Butt Grocery Company (H.E.B.), a multi-billion dollar, privately held supermarket chain with more than 300 stores in Texas and northern Mexico. Mauricio started with H.E.B. as a Management Associate and went on to hold executive positions in store operations, procurement and supply chain in both their U.S. and Mexican divisions. Mauricio holds a law degree fr