
Episode 18



What’s up, SecondShift-ers? It’s been a couple nights since we birthed a new episode from the proverbial creative womb of the SecondShift podcast. Lucky for you this episode is classed up by our good friend, and FlightBridgeED writer, Mister Klint W. Kloepping—otherwise known as @NoDesat from the Twitter thingy. In this episode, the guys embarrass themselves with their (lack of) knowledge of gaming, and run all the way through to active violent events, some new freaky disease that likes the ladies, and end up with some legitimate conversation about medical stuff that gets the nerd juices flowing. You can not miss this episode! Seriously. It’s illegal to not download and listen to this episode. Internationally. Globally. Intergalactic-ly. Just download this so you won’t get pulled over by the SWAT’s.