
SecondShift-Episode 55: It's the Brain Zaps!!



Mike and Ritu take some listener mail and do their best to answer! There is definitely the usual ramblings and squirrels, but…what do you expect from 2 guys with severe ADHD. We appreciate you listening to the SecondShift podcast! Still considered one of the top 10 in the industry, we couldn’t do it without your support! Thank you for the comments, reviews and emails! If you haven’t, please go to your favorite podcast app and leave a rating and review! We appreciate it! Be sure and subscribe and leave us a rating on iTunes or whatever podcast platform you use. We appreciate your loyalty to the FlightBridgeED family of Podcasts including The OG FlightBridgeED Podcast, SecondShift, The EMS Lighthouse Project Podcast, and The Mind-Body Medic podcast. Without you the listener, we are nothing. Thank you all!