Digital Good Times

EP. 36 - C.Will/BLKKMORRIS - FRESHiAM, CobraCorps & AfroPunk



The DigiSquad Returns with C.Will aka BLKKMORRIS of CobraCorps, VAVLTBOYZ, FRESH.i.AM, and AfroPunk to name a few. Tune in as w e discuss the Impact of E-commerce/Social Media on Fashion and FRESH.i.AM's growing cultural impact on ATL and the world. Also @BLKKMORRIS, in true multi disciplined/multiple katana blade wielding fashion provides Digital Good Times with an exclusive DJ Guest mix for your listening pleasure. #FreshiAM #CobraCorps #VavltBoyz #AfroPunk #ReniassanceMen #ATLFashion #ATLCreatives #ATLBrands #ECommerce #TechTalks #ATLStartUps #GottaKeepMultipleSwordsTucked #DigiGOODTimes Music Selection Kaytranada - Seuu enni way(seven remix) Anderson Paak - Right Here BLKKMORRIS Mix ->