Born To Thrive With Jamie Lee

Ep. 62 Strategic Conversations Part 1 - Planning with Future Focus



I coach smart women to get promoted and better paid without throwing anyone under the bus, manipulating people, or burning themselves out.  How?  I teach simple but powerful concepts that help my clients engage in strategic conversations with a mindset of self-confidence and authentic power.  Over five podcast episodes, I'll be teaching each of these five simple but powerful concepts that you can immediately implement into your life and career so you can get bolder, braver, and better paid.  This episode is about the first and most important concept: Planning with Future Focus.  Three questions I ask my clients to help them with Future Focus is:  1. WHO are you in the process of becoming?  2. WHAT results do you want in the future?  3. HOW can you be your Future Self now?  If you enjoyed this and would like to learn more about my six-week coaching program, please email me at to set up a quick consult over Zoom.