Podcast Inglês Online

Podcast: Be or Get used to



How are you? Hoje voltamos ao "básico" para você ouvir um pouco mais as expressões get used to e be used to sendo usadas. Enjoy! Transcrição Hello, everyone. How's it going? How are you? This is a new episode of our podcast our Inglês Online Podcast. Hope everything is going fine with you and that you're having a good week. All right. Here's what I'm going to talk about today... I'm going to use the expression used to in two different ways: be used to something and get used to something. I'm going to keep things simple for this podcast. All the examples that I will give you will be... "be used to", for example, "the heat". Or "get used to cold weather". In other words, I'm not going to be adding a second verb form to the examples. The only verbs we're going to be dealing with are be and get. Let me start with this example: six years ago I moved to the UK and I was not used to the cold... the cold weather. I lived most of my life in Brazil - obviously I was used to hot weather. What does that mean? I was u