Dragon Age Podcast

DA Podcast - Episode 7: Matt Swap



We swap Matts for this episode, see if you can tell the difference! In this episode we have an interview with DLAN_Immortality about Ser Gilmore and other things, we talk about some recent Dragon Age news (hint: DLC, Machinima, and a PS3 patch), touch on some articles and brag about how many of you seem to like us for some reason. There's plenty of off the rails talk, but it's been reined in a bit, so hopefully it won't bore all of you who think we take to long to get anywhere. Also, Dotte tries her hand fnord at music. You've been warned. Please, PLEASE give us iTunes reviews. You have no idea how much it helps, and we appreciate every single one. Send us some mail at letters@dragonagepodcast.com, we might read it on the air. You can also comment on the current podcast below. You can listen to the podcast here: There's supposed to be something here. Do you have flash installed? You won't be able to see this without flash. swfobject.embedSWF("http://dragonagepodcast.com/modules/swftools/shared/1pixelout/p