Dragon Age Podcast

DA Podcast: Episode 11 - An Injection of Newness



Dragon Age Podcast Episode 11 - An Injection of Newness It's been a full two weeks since the sequel to our beloved Dragon Age was announced and we bring you all the information we could find about it and supply a bit of our own speculation as well. We also cover the release of Patch 1.04, introduce mikemike37's brand new mod segment, answer some of your feedback, and kick off the first ever Dragon Age Podcast contest, which we call "Leliana's Letters". You'll want to listen to this episode right way, or at least look over the Official rules further down in the show notes) for your chance to win a copy of Leliana's Song for PC courtesy of BioWare. If you enjoy our show, you can show your support by reviewing us on iTunes, posting on our BSN General Discussion Thread, or leaving a comment here in the Dragon Age Podcast Official Forums. Also, if you feel so inclined, feel free to join our BSN Social Group, our Steam Group, or our Xfire Club. You can listen to the podcast here: There's supposed to be somethin