Intuitalks Network Broadcasts

Late late late show with Dorothy - Aleister Crowley



Join us for the Occultist Series where we look at some of the 19th century men and women who have shaped modern spirituality by indulging their passion to discover the meaning of life, practice alchemy and bringing forward the secret doctrines. The Occultists Season October 2015- January 2016 Coming up February 2016:  Mediums, The Heroes and the Hoaxes This is set to be a fun series with some genuinely creepy folks over the last few hundred years sharing their skills or falling into the trap of notoriety. With the likes of the Fox sisters and Florence Cook tarnishing the industry while even good mediums of the day couldn’t seem to resist competing, The  introduction of the seance paved the way to create a controversial form of entertainment that tarnishes the practice mediumship to this day. There were the greats who forged ahead to show that they could bring proof of life which has always been the mainstay of this genre. April 2016: The keepers of the light  This new series looks at the mystical practices an