Yo! Mtg Taps!

Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #7 Sk8er BO1



Joey and bigheadjoe announce their new sponsorship with CoolStuffInc.com! Then they discuss War of the Spark, #GPLA, Modern Horizons' potential impact on the Banned and Restricted List, and Avril Lavigne. LINKS: Yo! MTG Taps! is proudly sponsored by CoolStuffInc.com! Use Promo Code "YO5" to receive 5% off your purchase!  Register for this Saturday's Hunter Burton Memorial Open, or donate today! Modern Horizons Announcement from WotC Meet your Mythic Invitational "challengers" Cardhoarder.com Loan Program Featuring music by Spruke Contact us at yomtgtaps [at] gmail [dot] com Follow us on Twitter! @yomtgtaps (bhj and Joey) @affinityforblue (Joey) @bigdeadjoe (bigheadjoe) Become a fan of Yo! MTG Taps! on Facebook! Follow Yo! MTG Taps! on Twitch! Thanks for listening!