Joel 2 Generation Podcast

False Grace 2.0 (a Biblical response to so-called "Hyper Grace")



The so-called "Grace Message" being championed today by self-identified "Grace Teachers" has grown extremely popular especially in charismatic circles. They are even calling it a "Grace Revolution", but is it really the message of Grace that the Apostle Paul, the Apostle of Grace, taught? Are these teachers truly recovering a message they believe has been lost since Apostolic times? Or have they simply re–tooled an ancient false teaching that they've simply rebranded? I not only believe much of what is being taught today in the name of “Grace” constitutes false teaching, but in many cases, it has become heresy. It's not simply "hyper" grace as some critics have called it, but it is a false grace, a counterfeit grace, that leads people to forfeit the very thing these teachers believe they are guarding. Rather than freedom, they are leading many into bondage and deception.