Joel 2 Generation Podcast

The FEAR of False Prophets - Crippling Believers Everywhere!



There is still much confusion in the Body of Christ about what constitutes a "false prophet". The word is thrown around all over the place (especially the internet by the hyper critics, the so-called “Discernment Ministries”) and many, if not most of the people using the term, are NOT USING it according to the New Testament concept. They are stuck in the Old Testament concept of a prophet and false prophet and need to move into the New Testament.  In short, a false prophet in the NT is NOT a Christian who makes a mistake when prophesying! That is NOT what a false prophet is in the NT. In reality, those who sound the alarm the most, "Beware of False Prophets", are far more likely to be deceived by a false prophet than other Christians, because they deny the operation of the very gifts that the Lord has given His Church to discern and determine who the “false prophets” actually are! Listen and you'll see what I mean.