Oxygen Gym In Kuwait, THE BEST GYM IN THE WORLD!



How Much Does It Cost To Join Oxygen Gym In Kuwait? The monthly fee for this gym is about  $160. Compared to Gold’s gym in Venice Beach, it’s not that much. But for an average person, it most certainly is. Although, if you take a look at it you will get with the Oxygen Gym membership price, it would be money well invested. Oxygen Gym is not that expensive because of it’s name and reputation, it is actually one of the most well equipped gyms in whole world. In the opinion of many professional bodybuilders, and important people in fitness industry, it's the best gym in the world! It has couple of floors and couple of levels in the basement as well. There is a huge variety of machines, and sometimes you will have to go to another floor in order to use certain equipment. "The gym has saunas, massage rooms, and there are separate areas for children as well." You can definitely say that this looks like a gym of the future! If you happen to visit Kuwait and you are fitness enthusiast, and can afford to sp