Snake Oil/jim Ventura

Snake Oil Radio/Losing Mom



Host Jim Ventura (professional Navigational consultant - Astrology, Numerology, Runes, Tarot, Animal cards etc...) is the author of two metaphysical books, YouTube videos, frequent appearances of the ABC show The List, and does local and Skype seminars and classes on many different metaphysical subjects. Snake Oil is Jim's monthly blog column. Snake Oil radio is a forum for discussion of a wide range of metaphysical subjects with a primary focus on how everyone can learn to fine tune their unique intuitive abilities and skills. Todays show will be a live column read and discussion. I will not be taking live calls for mini readings. Join me for a live column read followed by further discussion. Snake Oil  Losing Mom I remember when I was in the fourth grade something significant occurred for the first time in my life. I dutifully sat in class with my fellow students all dressed in the same uniform in my elementary Catholic school. Each of us were uncomfortable with the lack of ability to express our individ