Dr. Erin L. Albert - Fridays

QOTW 7/5/19



7/5/19 - Question(s) of the week via Mary - the APPE student from BUCOPHS I have on rotation with me at ASCP right now. 1. Can you provide a broad overview of different careers in pharmacy outside of community practice and health system pharmacy? 2. Per each career, what association(s) should an individual or student join if they want to know more about career dev in those areas? A: working on them, and already answered some of this. 1. 57 Cool Jobs for Pharmacists Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/pharmacy-podcast/57-cool-jobs-for-pharmacists 57 Cool Jobs article: https://payhip.com/b/RN2g 2. List of pharmacy associations/societies in a list of meetings I previously created: https://payhip.com/b/HF6Y Now, I just have to play match.com for the course with these two resources! :D Thanks Mary!