Dr. Erin L. Albert - Fridays

My Recap of #SMDames19



Happy Weekend! Here's my quick recap on #SocialMediaDames2019! (Thank you, Amy Stark, for your leadership this year!) 1. Pragmatic tip: Who's in the room? on LinkedIn 2. Philosophical tip: Don't try to be superwoman all the time! 3. Anybody who wants in on my fall #podcasting workshop - hit me on the two way or at twitter @ErinLAlbert and let me know you're in and I'll put you on the mailing list. TBD on time, place, and space. I do know it will be in this galaxy! :D ___Also:___ 4. Hope ASCP MidAtlantic is going well out in Gettysburg. and 5. Shoutout to my high school classmate/South Bend WHS Panthers who are meeting for our ***th reunion this weekend!