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How to Build a 1-Year Church Communications Strategy with Jamey Santos



Does your church have a communications strategy in place? What if you are able to have a playbook in place in advance that gets everyone on the same page of how events will be promoted, that allows you to budget accurately and allows for planning event promotions 10 weeks in advance? This would be a game-changer for most churches resulting in better church attendance and overall growth. Most churches struggle to plan when it comes to promotions. Things are rushed and details missed. It costs more because orders must be rushed and in the end you don’t know what you have accomplished. Jamey Santos is our guest who is the Executive Pastor at LifeMission Church in Olathe, Kansas to discuss some systems we implemented with them as part of their communication strategy. LifeMission is a church that focuses on global missions while reaching the local community. They have a mentality to go out into the world to share the gospel with everyone they can.