Dimelo Northwestern

Second GenerAsian #7: What is Asian American Studies?



Episode Notes [“Second GenerAsian Theme” by Tenny Tsang] Sophia Lo: Hello hello, and welcome to All: Second GenerAsian! Sophia: I'm Sophia. Hannah Yoon: I'm Hannah. David Deloso: And I'm David. Sophia: And we are back with our first episode of the quarter even though it's Week Seven. David: Yes. Hannah: Hell yeah. So this topic is Asian American Studies. Sophia: Since we've all taken classes on this topic, we wanted to go more into the history of Asian American Studies. But we brought in an expert to tell us more about the field. I talked with Ray San Diego, who's a Visiting Professor in Northwestern’s Asian American Studies Program. Before coming here, he taught Asian American Studies at San Francisco State University, and he's been teaching here since last quarter. Ray San Diego: There's been a lot of changes with Asian American Studies since it started. And I think earlier in the late 60s and 70s, because of immigration policy at the time, it was mainly focused on Chinese Americans, Japanes